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Ver Ajin Semihumano Temporada 01 Episodio 09 en línea en buena calidad 10 Vistos.

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Ajin Semihumano Temporada 01 Episodio 09
5.6 IMDB
7.8 KP

Ajin Semihumano Temporada 01 Episodio 09

Duracion: 0n
Publicacion: 06 Agosto 2023
Categoria Ajin: Semihumano / Animes
Sinopsis :
Ko Nakano comes across Black Ghost tracks and finds Kei Nagai who is now acting as the grandson of the old lady in the village with her consent. Ko suggests that they join forces to fight Sato. Although Kei agrees with Ko, he really wants a peaceful life, and traps Ko in an abandoned truck to restrain him. Meanwhile Sato and the new Ajin prepare for the beginning of the war on humanity. Back at the Ajin Control Commission, Sokabe is assigned to monitor Tosaki, and possibly become his successor. Regardless, Tosaki continues to brutally question his captive Ogura for information about Ajin. After being allowed to smoke his preferred brand of cigarettes, Ogura is prepared to talk.
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