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Ver Slayers (Los Justicieros) Temporada 01 Episodio 24 en línea en buena calidad 21 Vistos.

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Modo Cine
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Slayers (Los Justicieros) Temporada 01 Episodio 24
5.6 IMDB
7.8 KP

Slayers (Los Justicieros) Temporada 01 Episodio 24

Duracion: 0n
Publicacion: 10 Agosto 2023
Sinopsis :
We find out Eris created the copy of Rezo, and is still alive. The others want to try help her, but Rezo (will be still calling him Rezo although he is a copy) stops them, and kills Eris.
The connection is complete, and Rezo connects with the demon beast, Zanaffar, and has a lot of power. He picks a fight with the helpless group, who tries to stratch him but nothing works. Rocks start to fall on all of them, and Rezo saves them, saying that he want to kill them himself.
Lina then comments who it's small, and Amelia backs her up. Rezo then transports them above ground, and destroys the lab.
Rezo then flies up and wants to kill them. He wants to surpass the original Rezo by killing them, on what the original Rezo could not do. Rezo wants Lina to use the Giga Slave that killed the original Rezo, and she refuses. She tries to use the Dragon Slave, but it doesn't work.
He then forces Lina to use the Giga Slave when he starts to beat up everyone. She proceeds to take Gourry's Light o
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